Organized Retail Crime (ORC)
Link Cases and Alert Communities
Link Incidents Across Locations

“ThinkLP helped us track organized crime sprees throughout Edmonton and Calgary. Thanks to the incident tracking and case management functionality in ThinkLP, we were able to track over 32 palates of liquor stolen, which represents about $350K that we successfully recovered over the course of a year.”
— Canadian F&B Retailer

Report on Data Captured & Investigative Activity to Demonstrate Your Team’s Efforts
Link Cases and Alert Communities
ORC is a significant challenge for many retailers. Our enhanced Complex Investigations, developed in partnership with some of the world’s leading and largest ORC teams, is designed to streamline ORC investigations with solutions that simplify processes and support effective resolutions.
Our Improved Features Get You:
Explore how ThinkLP’s Complex Investigations can further enhance your investigative processes.